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Headline, Summary, Storytelling, Roadmap, Projects, Media, Calls to Action…these are all LinkedIn profile components you may have heard of. Here’s your chance incorporate them into your profile! If you’re interested in adding some professional love and polish to your image on LinkedIn, CareerLove has made it easy for you: pick the element you need – make your investment  – and build up your confidence with a new profile. How does getting a bit of professional help work?  READ MORE...

Find a package or module that's right for you


AUTUMN Sale for a limited time

This medium optimization level includes:

Freshen Up

This basic optimization level includes:

  • Headshot feedback

  • 2 New Background Images

  • New Headline

  • More descriptive Job Title

  • Freshen up the Summary Section

  • Freshen up key Work Experience sections (up to 4 positions)

  • Suggest key skills you should add

  • Suggested content for other sections (Projects, Volunteer etc.)

  • Media: 1 custom text-over-graphics image

  • 4-6 Suggestions of ‘Who to Follow’

  • General feedback on strengths & weaknesses

  • Copy of the CareerLove LinkedIn for Beginner’s e-book

$ 149

Rework & Improve 

  • Everything in Basic Level, plus:

  • 5 New Background Images

  • In-depth optimization of Summary Section to near maximum length

  • Improvement of key positions in Work Experience (up to 5 positions)

  • Freshen up / suggest content for other sections (Projects, Volunteer etc.)

  • 7-10 Suggestions of ‘Who to Follow’

  • Media: 3 custom text-over-graphics images

$ 199


This more intense optimization includes:

  • Everything in Medium level, plus:

  • 10 New Background Images

  • Up to 1 page of new additional content that goes beyond the Summary section for you to use in other sections (Projects, Volunteer; may include storytelling, examples, quotes, supplementary evidence)

  • Up to 15 suggestions of ‘Who to Follow’

  • Media: 5 custom text-over-graphics images

$ 275

This medium optimization level includes:

Pack RIght for you

A Professional Touch for your LinkedIn Profile 

Say hello to a stronger, more natural image. 

Discover what an LinkedIn improvement can do for you.

LinkedIn Modules

Already got most of what you need, but still require professional help for one or two things?  Invest only in what you really need. Prices are converted into your local currency at checkout.


Get a new, customized headline that's dynamic, original and keyword-rich.

Bonus gift included.



Top Section Content

Headline & Descriptive Job Title

Get a new customized headline and a more descriptive current job title combination for the first few lines under your headshot (‘who am I’ / what’s my niche').




The Summary Section is the heart of your profile. 

4 options are available:


Makeover, Roadmap/Blueprint, Storytelling


Starting at $100

5 custom ‘text over graphics’ (for media section) + 5 background photos (for header)



Media & Graphics 

Additional Content 

Get extra customized content beyond the Summary you can use for other sections (Projects, Work Experience, Volunteer) or any purpose you'd like. Great evergreen value.

$ 120

Modules Components
Special Service

Special Services

Certain situations are unique and need some TLC. Or, you simply don't have time or energy to upload your content. 

Direct Input & Update

I'll input and upload your ready-to-go content from your resume or new profile content plus media & pictures directly to LinkedIn

Starting from $175

LinkedIn Profiles for Freelancers & Entrepreneurs 

As a freelancer, entrepreneur, small business owner or independent consultant, you don’t fit into any pre-conceived boxes. You’re different, strong, and unique – and I’ll make sure your profile reflects this.

Starting from $295

LinkedIn Profiles for Authors & Writers

As an existing author, upcoming author, indie writer (or related professions like editor, copywriter or ghostwriter) you need a high impact, dynamic profile that really showcases your books, projects, expertise and special focus!

Starting from $295

Learn more

Get smarter about LinkedIn in 30 minutes

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