Professional Help for your LinkedIn Profile

If you're interested in getting one...read on.
LinkedIn Profiles for Freelancers & Entrepreneurs
(or small business owners, independent consultants, creatives)
Do you have a unified, in-depth, high impact profile on LinkedIn?
As an existing or upcoming freelancer & entrepreneur who runs a small but amazing business, you need a high impact, dynamic profile that really showcases your work, products, services, projects and special niche. Whether you run a bricks-and-mortar business or are online based: LinkedIn is a free and effective way to seriously advertise about your business.
Your profile approach must be different than a regular employee in the marketplace. And it has to sound different than other specialists in your field. On the LinkedIn platform you have amazing freedom to shape your story, craft your pitch and showcase exactly what you do. You have control to target exactly the people / visitors / audience / potential customers you want. Sounds intriguing, right? If you need some help with this, CareerLove has a solution.
You’ve worked hard to create your special niche, build up your activities and projects (even your small projects!) to attract the right audience, clients and partners. You make a huge effort in ensuring that your services, products or offerings are not boring, average and low-impact….So why on earth should your LinkedIn profile be that way? Give yourself and your potential visitors a buzz and something to be excited about!
This LinkedIn solution package may be the perfect solution for you if….
You’ve just entered the world of social media to promote your new freelance / entrepreneurial activity
You need a brand new top quality, professional LinkedIn profile to showcase your business activities
You need an update / refresh / optimization of your LinkedIn profile as an existing entrepreneur or freelancer
You are a new freelancer, entrepreneur or small business – you’re at any age from any special field – and you need an online business profile for LinkedIn
You’re a new freelancer or entrepreneur in the millennial group – and need a profile that will appeal to a wider audience, or millenials or whoever you choose to target – a profile that captures your unique perspective, energy and offerings
You’re a new freelancer or entrepreneur in the Baby Boomer, Gen X or any other age group – and you need a profile that is compelling to the audience you wish to target – a profile that captures all that’s dynamic, courageous and unique about you.
LinkedIn Package for Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, Small Biz & Independents. Starting at $295.
Questions you may be asking yourself….
Do I need some fresh eyes to look at my LinkedIn profile?
Do I need a major boost to position myself more clearly – for myself and also to my potential audience, customers, clients, general visitors and business partners / creative partners?
Do I need some additional content for my profile that’s different from my usual ‘About Me’ / Biography’ stuff – content that’s more business oriented, more market oriented, more self-promotional, more high impact?
Am I really selling myself short – and not showcasing all I really offer?
Are my projects / client projects / talents / confidence / ‘special sauce’ hiding away somewhere on a shelf in the basement?
If you’re serious about showcasing your books, your upcoming projects and your special niche – consider booking a LinkedIn Package for Freelancers & Entrepreneurs
Your time & energy is limited – so where’s the magic LinkedIn fairy dust?
Your freelance & entrepreneurial projects are your passion. You spend most of your time brainstorming, researching, investigating, tweaking, launching and marketing your work, actually implementing your projects, or helping your clients and team with their projects and tasks. As a freelancer & entrepreneur running my own full-time business for over the last 14 years, I know how much time, energy and effort that takes!
You’re putting your heart & soul and lifetime of experience, wisdom and love into your products and services. So most of the time, your focus is on your current projects and upcoming projects. And even when things are quiet, you’re torn in so many different directions – keeping up with your main gig, side gigs, household responsibilities, family, kids, parents, school, job, daily life and survival, ensuring you have upcoming projects in the pipeline and enough money flowing in…So perhaps LinkedIn just isn’t a priority for you. I totally get it. Yet you still have the feeling that LinkedIn could unleash some great potential for you. You just need a framework and get something started that you can build on. CareerLove can offer you something very positive and supportive here!
Maybe you have someone who writes your promotional texts for you, or maybe you write them yourself. Chances are, your promotional texts are shorter and done on an ad-hoc basis. You haven’t shared all that much about your backstory, you don’t include your other interesting examples and tidbits, or speak much about the other activities you’ve been involved with. Or does this information only appears on your website, blog or newsletter? But who are the visitors here? Are you being found by new people through the search engines or a huge established business network? Are you being found by other people who might be really interested in you?
LinkedIn is the biggest business network platform in the world – a much bigger world that includes freelancers, entrepreneurs, creatives, indies, potential clients, suppliers, audience and partners –at all levels. Why not be a part of it? CareerLove can help you do this!
LinkedIn is the meta-world for business networking
If your business activities are supposed to generate income for you, build your audience and attain a greater reach for you – then being on LinkedIn makes a lot of sense. Think of your LinkedIn profile as being at the meta-level: A bigger reach, for both people who are familiar with your field and people who aren't. Being focused on your niche is great – it’s what you’re supposed to do. But your profile on LinkedIn has to appeal to both niche and non-niche audiences. The non-niche people will be drawn into your niche – if they come across you randomly and are intrigued, they will stick around and read more. Or they may become curious about your niche – and say “Oh, I never knew about this kind of business / area / niche….this is an interesting quality profile…let me click it and see what they offer...”
(I see this happening on my own LinkedIn profile: people stumble upon my services while looking for something slightly different - my keywords lead them to me - and new connections, inquiries and sometimes fruitful project work together are born)
You may gain fans, clients, customers, partners and new connections that you never expected. And your existing network will be impressed with your confidence and level of professionalism on social media.
Are you at the stage where you can offer this kind of experience to your visitors? Have you put much time and effort into crafting your own larger-scale profile – something suitable for the meta-level such as LinkedIn? Maybe not. This is where CareerLove can help you.
Do you have a unified, in-depth, high impact page of your own on LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is fantastic free platform for freelancers, entrepreneurs or independent consultants or anyone who wants to market themselves directly. It’s not enough just to take an sections from your old resume or website and cut & paste it onto LinkedIn. In fact, by doing this you’re wasting a great opportunity. You need to create a compelling experience for your readers on LinkedIn.
When it comes time to promoting themselves, many small business owners, freelancers, entrepreneurs and independent consultants who’ve been around for some time completely waste the great opportunity on LinkedIn to promote themselves effectively: They don’t fully harness all the different sections and media content opportunities.
Do any of these scenarios resonate with you?
You need to launch a harmonized, modern profile to a LinkedIn audience who’s not very familiar with your work or activities
You're overwhelmed and too busy to brainstorm and craft your promotional texts and ‘About Me’ profiles yourself. There isn’t an assistant, writer or secretary to create an effective LinkedIn profile on your behalf. And you don’t want to pay a crazy price for a LinkedIn profile as part of a website design package (if it’s even offered)– because these profiles are not as lovingly crafted as they should be.
Maybe you’re not used to promoting yourself all that much, or at the level you really want.
You know that online business profiles (beyond your own website and blog) is super important, but somehow it always ends up on the backburner.
Your main promotional focus are other channels (social media posts on Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter, on special niche platforms, by making how-to videos or YouTube posts, doing in-person marketing and customer events, face-to-face customer interactions, personal appearances, writing newsletters, a mailing list, a catalog) – but you now realize that you need a neutral, universal way to promote your work and business on LinkedIn
Promoting yourself to niche audiences is smart. And so is promoting yourself at the meta-level on LinkedIn.
How can a LinkedIn Profile help you as a freelancer, entrepreneur, small business owner, independent consultant or expert?
These are just some of the ways….
It’s your calling card in the business world – no more being hard-to-find or having a scattered image among many other sources
It will showcase your various activities, highlights and major involvements – and tell your story about why you’re qualified in your chosen field of expertise
It will allow you to showcase your work (samples, screenshots, media, mockups) – you're in complete control of your content and image
It can allow you to network with serious professionals
It'll bring new visitors, readers, potential business and creative partners to you
Big Benefit: It will help boost your search engine ranking. Well-written, keyword rich LinkedIn profiles that are available to the general public and search engines are proven to rank much higher for special keyword searches. If you’re a specialist in your niche, you will be found much more easily! Optimized SEO is automatic when your profile is well written.
There are amazing ways to create a high impact, compelling, curiosity-raising LinkedIn profile. Even if you don’t have a huge body of work or projects to offer, there are plenty of ways to make yourself shine in your area of specialization. Let me help you with this – and bring you closer to a LinkedIn profile that you can be proud of.
If you’re serious about showcasing your work & activities, your upcoming projects and your special niche – consider booking a LinkedIn Package for Freelancers & Entrepreneurs. Starting at $295
LinkedIn Package for Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, Small Biz Owners
What You Get:
A new Headline
Creative ‘Current Position’ title / content that appears underneath your headshot
Freshen-up & new content for the Summary Section
Feedback and freshen up of your content under key rubrics Experience, Projects, plus any other relevant sections (memberships, volunteer)
1 new photo mockup of your product or service with an elegant real life backdrop
5 custom-designed background banners
1 new text-over-graphics image customized for your niche
Up to 8 new ‘Who to Follow’ suggestions
Feedback and suggestions of other must-haves / nice-to-haves based on your situation
A source list of helpful ideas, videos, links, articles and success stories to inspire and guide you further
A copy of my LinkedIn Guide for Beginners e-book
Bonus: Another customized media image based on your niche
Price: $295
For the Entrepreneur & Freelancer Premium Service starting at $395
Please contact me directly at astrid@careerlove.info
Who's this for? Individuals with a lot of content and many past activities who now need improved content curation, more focus for their strategy / marketing approach, a more business-oriented approach or many more media images.

Questions or feedback?
Contact me directly: astrid@careerlove.info
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