Get 5 sample background covers for your LinkedIn profile. Free.
A gift to you from CareerLove.
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Download your free sample pack now - and experiment with some different looks for your LinkedIn profile.
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Download your free LinkedIn Background Sample Pack
It's easy to start using your new background images right away. Just follow the simple instructions and download the .zip file to your hard drive or device. Choose the file you want to upload to your LinkedIn profile.
Not sure how to change your background? LinkedIn explains it here.
Check out the Linkedin Cover Slideshow for a sneak preview of what your covers can look like.
The sample pack is great for trying out a new cover for the first time. Maybe you'll find something that's perfect for you. Try it. Keep it. Use it.
Try before you buy a full collection priced starting from 2.99 - or get the entire collection. (your local currency will be shown at checkout)
WHY PURCHASE YOUR OWN LinkedIn Background Collection?
Fast Choice. When you own a background banner collection you have more flexibility, range of design styles & colors. You can enjoy the simplicity of updating your profile background anytime with images already saved on your hard drive- now or in the months or years to come.
You don't feel like being like everyone else. Sure, there are some freebie, stockphoto sources out there that offer photo backgrounds. This is what thousands of people grab and download. And many people are totally satisfied with using these pictures. But do you want something more customized for your LinkedIn profile?
Get with the program. Maybe you've just discovered LinkedIn, or perhaps you've recently discovered that you can switch out your background photo. Don't choose an outdated style or make the same mistakes that people made 3 or 5 years ago. Current and experienced visitors and business users (recruiters) expect something better. Sure, a poorly-chosen image may not be the end of the world (tell that to people who use a mobile phone selfie shot as their LinkedIn headshot). But why do anything careless to take the shine off your profile, or send a message that you didn't quite care enough about your professional image?
Get inspired in a safe way: You want to experiment, but aren't sure what is suitable for a LinkedIn audience. CareerLove has done the screening, cropping and sizing for you. Feel free to try out a new look, you never know how your tastes might change. Move from 'boring' to 'wow' in a few clicks.
Time & energy saving advantage: Get a full collection of attractive LinkedIn background banners that are available any time you want. Why spend an hour searching for and cropping freebies, or using same free stockphoto images that others use, when a small investment (the price of a coffee or two) can get you started right away?
There are 10 CareerLove collections to choose from which offer a big range styles, looks and directions. Or get the entire collection to get all possible choices for the future.
WHY SHOULD you get a new background cover for LinkedIn?
+ LinkedIn is a business social media platform where it's important to have good content (your professional background) and good visuals (your profile headshot, your banner, plus other image uploads like PDFs, videos and screenshots)
+ LinkedIn Premium (paid) accounts include access to a background image gallery ("only Premium members have access to the preloaded image gallery"). Most people don't have a premium account, however. Or they don't want to use a background image that thousands of other people may be using.
+ It's the perfect chance to present a modern image and capture visitor attention with an attractive, eye catching background image.
+ Don't neglect your background banner; your visitors expect to see one!
+ Some other 'don'ts': Don't use a monotone colored background. Avoid unsuitable, heavily pixelated, poorly-cropped images. Also avoid backgrounds with logos, slogans, texts and other people's faces. They're a bad idea because you never have complete control whether they may be cropped, look awkward on some devices or with customized user settings. The best solution is always to to put your keywords, USPs and logos into your main content. Your LinkedIn background cover is not supposed to be a highway advertising billboard with everything packed into in. Don't treat it that way.
+ In a nutshell: You've created great LinkedIn content and have a great headshot that you've invested in. Now you need to complete your look by including a unique, suitable and original background banner.
How can a quick background change transform your profile?
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