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Kick your LinkedIn profile up a notch! 

The new E-book by CareerLove:

Help, tips, sources and real-life advice when you need an introduction or refresher for a great LinkedIn profile.

Get smarter about LinkedIn in less than an hour.

Fast help about the must-do's for your profile content, settings and big picture understanding.


Remove the big mystery and get more clarity from a professional LinkedIn profile writer & resume consultant. 


Welcome to the World of LinkedIn 

What LinkedIn Beginners Really Need to Know: Introduction & Short Guide for People New to the World of LinkedIn

The Basics & Bigger Picture for Creating Your High Impact Profile for the Job Market


The world of LinkedIn seems new, mysterious and excitingly delicious. Connections can move fast with social media. So it’s wise to have a basic yet solid understanding before you rush forward to create a LinkedIn profile. In this down-to-earth, compact beginner’s guide to the why, who and how aspects of using LinkedIn, you’ll discover how to absorb the flavors of the LinkedIn platform. Crafting a high impact profile and controlling your content is essential for your online professional image, influencing your personal brand's Google ranking, your networking and lead-generating potential. Perfect for career starters, career changers, entrepreneurs, creatives & freelancers, plus new university graduates, internship or practicum seekers. This compact resource is helpful to anyone who wants to start and grow their profile or who’s new to social media networks for business.

ASIN: B0756YL52P, 66 pages (Kindle Version)

+ Stepping into your readers’ shoes and what the audience wants to see

+ How to use selected must-have components through concrete examples

+ Understand more about the purpose behind your approach and using an intelligent, consistently targeted strategy for the content you include.


What advanced reader & LinkedIn newbie Maggie L. had to say:

"As a true techno-phobe, I was reluctant to dive into LinkedIn, until I found this book. Full of helpful graphics and handy links to even more advice, this book takes the mystery out of LinkedIn's numerous options and features and gives detailed instructions on how to use each to your advantage. I especially found the tips on how to make my personal profile stand out to be most useful. The author included not only step-by-step instructions, but an actual example to reference, along with provocative 'food for thought' suggestions to dig deeper for what makes my offer unique. I consider this book a real must for serious job seekers and anyone looking to build their business network with LinkedIn.”

Suzanne M. mentioned this in her review:

"Already long-established in my career and niche, I had never really ventured into the world of LinkedIn and never really considered how LinkedIn could be truly useful in promoting my activities and personal brand. This was a great food for thought introduction! While keeping the tone light and friendly, I was definitely able to pick up some deeper nuggets and great tips here! I loved the examples."

+ A fast, informative resource minus the boring business-speak, written by a professional LinkedIn profile writer / resume writer / career content developer

+ A no-filler, real-life introduction for people without a lot of LinkedIn experience or a large body of professional content.

+ Several pages of examples and concrete lists of do’s and don’ts with short explanations.


+ Samples of the kind of content a beginner could use. Sample phrases suitable for intermediate or advanced users are revealed and contrasted.

+ LinkedIn areas covered include: the headline, job title, summary, task descriptions, special achievements, role of networking and recruiters.

+ Screenshots and a few insider ideas and tips to help you get the most out of the limited space

+ My recommended sources for further information

+ BONUS LinkedIn Background Graphics. A link to 14 bonus customized graphics to use in your LinkedIn profile right away (digital download)!


A fast LinkedIn introduction to get you started, with valuable nuggets of real-life advice that may bring you closer to finding the kind of exposure, job leads and connections as a new graduate, career starter, courageous career changer, student, established specialist, entrepreneur, freelancer or new LinkedIn user. LinkedIn can bring awareness to your profile in more ways than you might think!






Astrid Schmidtchen is the founder of CareerLove Writing Services. She's an international resume consultant, LinkedIn profile writer and content developer who's been helping people move their careers forward for over 10 years. 

Read the latest CareerLove article on tips to improve your LinkedIn profile

on the Social Hire blog

New to the world of LinkedIn?

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Know some who needs help with their LinkedIn profile?

Download your copy today

and get started on creating and improving your own LinkedIn profile

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